Tuesday 30 November 2010

SQUATS CHALLENGE - 10 SETS IN 15 MINUTES (great for toned, firm legs and a tight ass)

Right then, here's a challenge for boys and girls that will get your heart rate up and help you build firm, toned legs and give you a rock solid ass.

I have just finished it and I can say it was pretty tough as it's against the clock. My polar heart rate results were:

Polar product
Polar FT80


Average heart rate
Maximum heart rate
Fat percentage of calories

Below is the routine I did, it took 45 minutes and I burned 622 calories.

Warm up on the bike for 5 minutes level 7

straight over to squat rack: Perform 10 sets in under 15 minutes.
3 x 15
7 x 10

Straight back over to the upright bike: 25 minutes average HRmax 70%+ (145bpm)

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