Successful Weight Loss:
Jordans Top 10 Tips on What Works and Why
1. Exercise: is the most important predictor to whether you’ll succeed at long term weight loss. A minimum of 30 minutes a day five times a week is needed to keep the weight off. Hold on! Before you choke on your chocolate bar research shows that three 10 minute sessions in a day are as good as one 30 minute session. Jordans Ideas: Run up & down stairs, brisk walk around the block, get off the bus one stop earlier. OR get down to JORDANS Leeds for a 30 minutes City Centre Circuit and burn 500 calories. 2. Pump Iron. I chose to list this separate from the “exercise” category as there is significant weight loss benefits attached to using weights. The basic equation is this: The more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn. This is why world class weight lifters have to eat thousands of calories a day to maintain their weight. Muscle is a very active tissue, fat is not. Thus muscle burns a significant amount of calories a day just for its own maintenance. 3. Keep a diary. This helps so much as it gives a true reflection of you are what you eat. Monitor you hunger levels prior to eating, your feelings and emotions present at the time. You will eventually find what foods help you feel great and give you more energy. 4. Stay focused on being healthy, not on becoming thin. Lots of people are more successful of keeping the weight off when they move their focus from wanting to be thin to choosing foods that will help with a healthier life. 5. Identify what’s eating you: How many times have you overeaten because you’re stressed, bored, lonely, angry, depressed and any other emotions. Learn to deal with emotions without attaching food to it. It’s a skill that will greatly serve long term weight control. 6. Get Support. A big key to long term weight control is getting encouragement & support from others. 7. Watch your portion sizes: Never “Super Size” yourself, just because it’s an extra £pound means you’ll be carrying a lot more of the wrong pounds around your waist sooner than you think. Eg. Your portions should be no more than what you can grab in one hand. 8. Lose weight slowly with small changes. “The faster you lose it the quicker you put it back on” never a truer word spoken. The quicker you lose weight the more likely the loss is coming from water, muscle and NOT fat. 9. Slow down. Chinese people have one of the best diets in the world, also they use chopsticks to eat with, it’s very rare to see a fat Chinese person. They take a lot longer to eat their food. It takes the brain 20 minutes to signal to the stomach it’s full. Fast eaters often eat beyond their true level of fullness before the 20 minute signal has had chance to set in. 10. Eat less bad fat & more good fat. There’s 9 calories packed into one gram of fat to only 4 calories per gram of protein & carbohydrate. If you eat more calories than your body uses, you will gain weight. Eating less fat will help you to lose weight. Eating less fat and replacing it with excessive amounts of fat-free products will not. You know what, I talk to lots of people about getting into shape, advice on training, nutrition and diets and the best advice for a long happy healthy active life is MODERATION. We all like to look and feel good, it takes effort, commitment, sacrifice and a little knowledge, but you should enjoy the ride while your getting to your destination. We're only here for a short time so "BE YOURSELF AT YOUR BEST" |
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