Friday 29 October 2010


Just done a new workout which nearly killed me. It involves interval training, no more than 30 seconds rest between sets and lots of sweating.
Make sure weight is light enough to do rep range.

Time it took me - 48 minutes
Average heart rate 128 (68% of max HR)
Maximum heart rate 151 (80% of max HR)
Calories 602 kcal
Calories from fat 25%

  • Intensity: 
  • zone 1: 29.25minutes
  • zone 2: 18.23 minutes
  • zone 3: 16 seconds
bike level 8 rpm 80-90 5 minutes
x-trainer level 10 interval mode 10 minutes

Straight onto:
Lat pull downs 4sets x 12 reps
Dumb bell shoulder press 4 x 12reps
(alternate exercises with minimum rest of 30 seconds)

superman plank 4 x 12
side plank 4 x 12

dumb bell dead lifts 25kg dbs 4 x 12
(stright sets

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