Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Meal Timing for Bodybuilding Diets

Meal Timing for Bodybuilding Diets

Now that you’ve muscled up and got ripped to low body fat levels you'll want to know the best way to eat and train to stay that way. Eating for elite athletes is taken very seriously by sports nutritionists and coaches – or it should be -- because a few fractions of a second in a sprint or a few seconds in longer races can mean the difference between a gold medal and a “thank you for coming”. Even in the amateur ranks it’s just nice to know that you are maximizing your workout by eating in a way that makes the most of your hard work. Meal timing and constitution before and after exercise is an important part of this.

The Pre-exercise Meal
Weight trainers don’t usually expend the amount of energy that a an endurance athlete does in training, so one doesn’t have to be as acutely aware of the intake of carbohydrate required to fuel such effort. For example, a heavy-training marathoner or triathlete may require 7-10 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram body weight per day (3-5 grams/pound/bw/day). Take it from me that this is a lot of carbohydrate – more than 32 slices of bread equivalent for a 150 pound (70 kilos) athlete minimum.

Even so, here are some principles for meals prior to exercise as generally supported by sports nutritionists and modified for the strength athlete. Remember, this is for eating before you train or compete.

Experiment and find your tolerance for various foods before and during exercise. This is important because many of us react differently to fiber, foods like beans, milk, various fruits and so on.

Eat meals low in fat and fiber with some protein and carbohydrate. Fiber can and should be part of a healthy diet in other meals.

A main meal should be eaten 3-4 hours before exercise.

A smaller meal can be taken 1-2 hours before exercise.

Within an hour of activity, liquids such as sports drinks and gels, or protein shakes or foods that are not too heavy may be best.

A very small percentage of people get a reactive blood glucose drop if they eat a high carbohydrate meal, so this may not be suitable for some people near to exercise. The number of athletes that suffer from this condition, called hypoglycemia, is much lower than once thought. Adding protein to the meal can prevent this.

Running type sports seem to churn the gut up and produce discomfort more than stationary or supported sports like weight training, swimming or cycling; so the pre-meal variety can be greater if you’re not a runner. (I still wouldn’t have the goose liver pate followed by the fried chicken and rice though.)

Consume around 10-20 grams of quality protein within 30-60 minutes of the weights session. Research has shown that an intake of 6-12 grams of essential amino acids, which is equivalent to 10-20 grams of a complete protein, promotes enhanced muscle protein recovery and rebuilding after the workout. One gram per kilogram body weight (about 0.5 grams/pound) of carbohydrate taken with the protein may assist this anabolic boost. Some trainers call this a protein 'shooter'.

Here are some foods and combinations that provide at least 10 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbohydrate.

Flavored low-fat milk, 17 fl. ounces (500 ml)

1 cup fruit salad with 7 ounces or 200 grams flavored yoghurt

A large glass of skim milk and two slices of bread and honey or jam (no butter)

Various protein bars and protein shakes and powders – check the labels for percentages and quantities.

Refuelling During a Weights Session:

Unless you do extreme sessions for considerably longer than an hour, include intense cardio or strength-endurance weights programs, or ate poorly in the hours leading up to the session, you probably don't need anything other than water to get you through in good shape. And good shape means not letting your blood and muscle glucose get too low at which point cortisol and other hormones will be looking to break down your muscle.

It's a fine point but one that's worth considering. You don't need expensive and probably useless supplements to protect you from catabolic cortisol surges, all you need is some carbohydrate from a sports drink, gel or bar.

The Post-Exercise Meal:
How you eat to recover from exercise is one of the most important principles in exercise nutrition. If you don’t refuel sufficiently after each session, your glucose (glycogen) stores in muscle can get depleted leading to tiredness, poor performance and even immune system suppression and infection. Glucose is the athlete’s and exerciser’s main fuel. You get it from carbohydrate foods and drinks. What's more, inadequate refueling after your session won't take advantage of that hard muscle work by giving those muscles an anabolic boost that repairs and builds.

Weight trainers do not use as much glucose fuel as the higher intensity or higher duration aerobic sports like track and endurance running and cycling, but even so, it pays to keep those glycogen stores topped up if you want to be at your best in training. You will notice glucose depletion more after muscle-endurance and hypertrophy programs where higher repetitions, perhaps to failure, are slated rather than the low-rep strength sets where direct ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is likely the main fuel. 

Low numbers of repetitions with heavy weights are used to develop strength, whereas lighter weights and more repetitions are used to build muscle size and muscle endurance. The latter is likely to expend more energy.

Commence recovery nutrition within 30 minutes of completion of the weights session.

Consume protein as soon as possible: 10-20 grams of quality protein, the same as recommended for the pre-exercise meal.

Consume carbohydrate as soon as possible: one gram per kilogram body weight (0.5 grams per pound body weight) is a useful starting point. 

Consume carbohydrate according to the intensity and duration of the workout, including whether you did any aerobic exercise in the session. 

Getting the Carbs Right:
Move the carbohydrate quantity up or down as you assess your weight and energy levels as you train or compete. Modify carbohydrate intake according to how often or intensely you work out. 

A one-hour session of combined weights and cardio at moderate to high intensity may require at least 5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram body weight per day (2.5 grams/pound).

Here are estimates of carbohydrate requirements with weight training the focus. Intensity of exercise over time increases quantities required. If light exercise, choose the lower numbers; only applies to days of exercise; choose higher rates if you mix solid cardio sessions with weights. Estimates only.

-- Casual activity - 3-4 grams/kilogram/bodyweight/day (divide by 2.2 for pounds)
-- 30-60 mins exercise/day - 4-6 gm/kg/bw/day
-- 60-90 minutes exercise/day - 5-7 gm/kg/bw/day
-- 120 minutes or more/day -- 6-9 gm/kg/bw/day

If you do more than one session each day, the post-exercise snack should be continued for each hour until regular meals resume. This is important to get you up for the later session. Few weight trainers choose to do two weights sessions a day, but some do an early session of cardio and a later session of weights or vice versa.

If you're serious about this and want to take a precise approach, it's worth buying one of those little calorie counter books or jumping onto calorieking.com or a similar site to check out how much protein or carbohydrate is in any food.

Getting the Protein Right:
You definitely don’t need to consume excessive quantities of protein in any form to build muscle and support your weight training or bodybuilding activity. Try not to exceed 1 gram per pound of body weight of protein daily. That may be a little more than what you will need but you don't need more than that. 

Getting the Balance Right:
You do need to eat sufficient food and carbohydrate to sustain your activities. Too little carbohydrate and your body will break down your muscle for glucose and reverse all those hard-gotten gains. Don’t believe advice that says carbohydrates are fattening. Everything is fattening. Don’t eat everything. Still, you can modify your carbohydrate intake for the better by avoiding refined flours, sugars, sweets and other quickly absorbed or processed carbohydrates when you are not exercising intensely.

The Least You Need to Know:
Don't worry too much about the finer detail of calculating quantities if you don't wish to. The detail is there for those who can use this precision, but most people don't. Experience and getting to know how your body works is probably more important, as well as trial and error within the information provided here. Check out these main points.

Eat some protein and carbohydrate about thirty minutes before a session.

For sessions that proceed considerably longer than an hour at moderate to high intensity, and include cardio, take a sports drink during the session.

Eat some protein and carbohydrate immediately or within 30 minutes of the end of the session.

Don't use protein supplements excessively. You can get the required amount of quality protein from lean chicken, fish, soy, skim milk and some red meat.

Some weight trainers do better with six smaller meals a day rather than three larger meals. Don't fret about this; it doesn't suit everyone. However, always eat breakfast.

Eat a healthy diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruit, vegetables, beans, whole grains and quality monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in nuts, seeds and oils. 

Drink plenty of fluids to replace water lost. Beverages like tea and coffee contribute to this. The diuretic effect of these drinks has been overstated.

Supplements in Bodybuilding Diets:
Dietary supplements are big business. Some work, some don't, some affect performance negatively, some are hazardous and some are illegal and will get you banned in international sport. In fact, many are a waste of money and a con.

Protein powder supplements, particularly whey-based supplements, do have a place in supplementation for busy weight trainers, it's just that they're not used with precision and knowledge by many, and cheaper solutions may be available.

Summing Up Bodybuilding Diets:
Precision nutrition for exercise can be complex and that’s why exercise physiologists and sports nutritionists are of great value to sporting teams these days. Even though we keen amateurs and weekend warriors don’t have to worry too much about the split second in a race or the inch of bicep in a bodybuilding competition like the pros do, we can still eat well for our sport and activity. It helps no doubt. 

Put these ideas into practice, see if it works for you and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.


This routine is super hard core, but once you complete it, you're going to have that  feeling of well being that you get when you've had a killer workout.

How would you like to add tons of new size to your back, traps, forearms and neck? How about all in one exercise?  Today I want to introduce you to the Continuous-grip dead lift.  I warn you though this exercise is going to take everything you have, and you will have to be mentally strong in order
to break through the pain barriers.  I owe most of my forearm and back size to this one exercise.  I love the gains so much, that now I can't even imagine a back workout without it.

Good quality stretching is vital before this exercise.

One of my favorite stretches for this exercise is just bending down and grabbing the toes of my shoes.  This stretch will loosen up your hams and lower back. Before beginning this style of dead lift, perform two sets of back extensions. Don't go all out on these; just get a good stretch in your lower back, along with a mild pump to get the blood flowing. Also include two warm-up sets of dead lifts, with one being lightweight, and one being medium weight. The form of the continuous-grip dead lift is the same as that of a regular dead lift, except that you will not be setting the bar down after each rep. You will bring the bar down as low as possible, until you are just about to touch the floor, then immediately pull back up again. That's 1 rep

- overhand grip 10, 8
- sumu grip 10, 8


superset with
- 12,10,8,6

- 12,12,12

SUPERFOODS - Health Benefits of Spinach

Health Benefits of Spinach

Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a member of the Chenopodiaceae family. It originated in the Middle East, to be more precise from Afghanistan and Turkistan. The Moors introduced spinach into Spain in the 11th century and it soon became popular across the globe.
Spinach is a powerhouse food that is packed with nutritional value. It plays many important roles in maintaining a healthy body and various health benefits of spinach include:
  1. Anti Cancer: vitamin A and vitamin C in spinach plus the fibre, folic acid, magnesium and 13 different flavonoids help control cancer, especially colon, lung and breast cancers. A significant 34% reduction in cancer risk can be expected, a study confirms.
  2. Reduces the risk of heart disease: Vitamin A and C, present in spinach, work as antioxidants to keep cholesterol from oxidizing (oxidized cholesterol easily sticks to the walls of blood vessels). Spinach also contains choline and inositol, the substances that help to prevent atherosclerosis or thickening and hardening of arteries. Spinach is an excellent source of folate that is believed to decrease homocysteine (an amino acid found in blood) in the bloodstream. Elevated level of homocysteine is associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Factor C0-Q10, an antioxidant present in spinach, plays important role in strengthening muscles especially heart muscle which continuously pumps blood to all parts of the body.
  3. Reduces blood pressure: Spinach is rich in potassium and low in sodium. The balanced quantities of these minerals are highly beneficial for high blood pressure patients as potassium lowers and sodium raises the blood pressure. Spinach also contains folate which helps to reduce hypertension and relaxes blood vessels, thus maintaining proper blood flow.
  4. Strengthens the bones: You can get almost 200% of the Daily intake value of vitamin k in one cup of fresh spinach leaves. Vitamin K1 helps prevent excessive activation of osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone. Also, being a rich source of calcium, it is recommended to the people who are worried about osteoporosis. Apart from this, other minerals like manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus present in spinach also help in building up of strong bones.
  5. Good for diabetes: The magnesium contained in spinach helps to prevent complications that occur following diabetes. Regular consumption of spinach stabilizes your blood sugar and prevents it from fluctuating too much.
  6. Reduces the risk of aneamia: Cooked spinach is an excellent source of iron, a mineral whose reduced levels are associated with Anemia. The iron that is contained in spinach (in its natural state) is also good for young children, menstruating women and adolescent who have increased need for Iron.
  7. Stronger Eyesight: Lutein, a carotenoid found in spinach is protective against cataracts and other age related macular degeneration. Spinach is also a very rich in Vitamin A, which makes it beneficial for weak eyes. Zeaxanthin, another carotenoid found in spinach, keeps the healthy by increasing the level of the macular pigment in the eye which degenerates with age. Drinking spinach juice twice a day may also help in correcting the power of the eyes.
  8. Promotes gastrointestinal health: The beta-carotene and vitamin C work to protect the cells of the body's colon from the harmful effects of free radicals. Folate present in spinach also prevents the mutations and DNA damage in colon cells.
  9. Protects against aging: Spinach is known to be an anti-ageing vegetable and reverses age related breakdowns, making you youthful and fresh. As we age our memory is not as sharp as it used to be. Spinach helps us to keep our memory when the cause is due to aging.
  10. Skin protection: vitamin B present in spinach helps in maintaining the firmness of the skin. Spinach also protects your skin from the harmful rays of sun including the UV rays. It reduces the risk of skin cancer and makes sure that you have a healthy glowing skin.
  11. Good for pregnant mothers: Folate found in spinach is needed by the growing foetus for proper development of new nervous system. Spinach also provides vitamin A which is required in lung development of foetus as well as during breast feeding. It also prevents threatened abortion and accidental haemorrhage.

    To get optimal spinach nutrition, you should thoroughly wash it and eat it raw in form of salads. One of the best things about spinach is that it is readily available anywhere in the world, in all seasons. Thus you can achieve inner health and longer lasting vitality by including spinach in your daily diet.

Thursday, 16 December 2010


Now, fitness researchers have jumped on this bandwagon. They’ve come up with a fairly simple exercise program that they say will get rid of cellulite. But there’s one difference between their cure and the ones you’ll see in magazine ads: The fitness experts aren’t trying to sell you anything. 

What is cellulite, anyway?

It’s nothing but regular, old fat. In areas of your body where you have a high proportion of fat to muscle (like women’s thighs, hips, and buttocks), a lot of the fat is trapped between the muscle and the skin and begins to look lumpy. The fibrous or connective tissue that holds your muscles, fat, and skin together is what you are seeing when you see the lumpy, pocked look of cellulite. Some women have more fibrous or connective tissue than others, making the ‘cottage cheese’ look of cellulite more pronounced. Cellulite can worsen with age, too, because you tend to lose muscle as you get older, causing your body to have a higher proportion of fat to muscle. 

So what’s the cure for cellulite? 

Well, it’s not a pill, or a cream, or a rubber garment that you squeeze on over your body. It’s a simple, easy exercise program. 

A group of 23 women that were enrolled in a two-month exercise program saw significant decreases in cellulite at the end of the study. The women ranged in age from 23 to 66 and were all in varying levels of fitness. They were all fairly sedentary at the outset of the program, however, and they all had cellulite on their hips, thighs, or buttocks that they expressed an interest in decreasing or getting rid of altogether. 

The women in the study exercised for thirty minutes, three times a week, for the two months required. At the end of the program, all of the women in the study had lost cellulite and expressed satisfaction with the exercise program. In fact, 73% of the women experienced ‘a lot less cellulite’ on their hips, thighs, and buttocks. The age and fitness levels of the women experiencing ‘a lot less cellulite’ again varied greatly. 

The study was conducted three more times, each time following the same program and length of study, and each time there was a significant loss of cellulite in each of the women in the study. 

Here’s the program that they followed: 

1. 15 minutes of aerobic exercise should be done: i.e, walking on the treadmill, riding a bicycle or using a stepper. Always do a 2-minute warm-up before and a 2-minute cool-down after the aerobic exercise. This reduces the risk of injury to your muscles while exercising. 

2. Do 15 minutes of strength exercises or weight training at a weight that fatigues the muscle within 10-15 repetitions. Start out with light weights, then as the program goes on, raise the weight to a higher level. 

Do 10-15 repetitions of each exercise for the targeted muscle. If, for example, your thighs are the part of your body that is lumpy with cellulite, you should use an exercise specifically designed for thighs, such as leg lifts, side-lying leg lifts or the number one exercise for great legs, SQUATS. Or use an exerciser specifically designed for thighs such as a thighmaster/stepper. 

If you want to rid your buttocks of cellulite, do lunges, or squats. Adding one to five pound weights to your ankles, holding light weights at your side, or working out on a weight machine is suggested, though you can start the program by doing the exercises without added weights. The people in the study, however, all had much better results when they used hand or ankle weights or exercised on weight machines, as opposed to doing the exercises without the added weights. 

3. Stretch out the muscle for 20 seconds after each set of 10 repetitions of the exercise. This is a very important part of the exercise program. Stretching out the muscle after the exercises helps to increase the length and flexibility of the muscle, and this will help to increase your strength. The more strength that you have, the easier the exercises become, and the more muscle you build. The more muscle you build, the less cellulite you will have. 

Go from one exercise to the next as quickly as you can, once you have completed all 5 exercises repeat. Do as many circuits as you can in 15 minutes. (when performing exercises keep perfect technique).

Warm Up: 2minutes on CV of choice. Then move onto exercise 1

Exercise 1: STEPPER or Bike is best: 3km level 8

Exercise 2: Squats  15 reps

Exercises 3: Lunges 15 reps 

Exercise 4: Butt lifts 15 reps   

Exercise 5: Step-ups with weights 15 reps each leg 

And that’s it. It’s not a miracle cure for cellulite, but it is a cure nonetheless. It requires a little work and dedication, but the results will be worth it. The women who participated in the studies all expressed satisfaction with the amount of cellulite that they lost during the two months of the program. Fitness experts believe that you will also be pleased with the smoother thighs, hips and buttocks that you will have if you follow this program. And if you continue this program three times a week, your cellulite may not ever come back.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

10 Foods For a Fat Burning Diet:

10 Foods For a Fat Burning Diet

There are two ways to effectively increase your metabolism, to enable you to burn more fat;

1. Exercise more, and specifically build more muscle (aerobics is not as effective as resistance training).

2. Eat fat burning foods (remember, not eating actually slows fat burning (lipolysis) which means starvation diets can make you fatter!).

By eating fat burning foods, not only do you improve your chances of burning fat, but you also fuel your body to help build more muscle. So if you are serious about losing weight, reducing that belly fat and getting slimmer and leaner, then ensure that you are eating some of these fat burning foods every day:

1. Salmon.
Salmon is great for our brains and contains essential fats. Diets high in Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to improve weight loss. Also, liptin that is present in fish alters your metabolism to increase the chance of using stored fat for fuel. Ideally you should eat salmon or trout 3 or 4 times a week.

2. Soup.
Soup is a fantastic way to lose weight, and the winter months make it more appealing too. A study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Deitetics showed that on average men that ate soup 5 days or more a week had a body mass index of 23. This is an ideal bodyweight for a lean man with average build.

3. Beans.
Beans are great, especially kidney beans. So chilli con carne with a large serving of kidney beans makes a good weight loss meal. Kidney beans can stop carbs from breaking down into sugar, which slows digestion. This in turn prevents carbs from converting to belly fat.

4. Fat-free yoghurt.
Fat free yoghurt helps to increase lipolysis (fat burning), however you need to eat at least 3 servings a day to see results. In a study carried out by the University of Tennessee, men that ate the fat free yoghurt diet lost 81% more belly fat than the non-yogurt eaters. The high calcium and protein properties make it a great weight loss aid.

5. Whey protein.
Whey protein is one of the most popular supplements for bodybuilders. However, it helps to strip away fat as well as build muscle. The University of Toronto found that men that drank two whey protein shakes a day would eat on average 200 calories less than other men. Also the men on the whey protein diet increased muscle mass by 8% and lost 3% more fat than the non-wheyers.

6. Chilli Peppers.
The hotter the chilli the greater the fat burning potential. Chillies contain capsaicin, which not only protects against prostate cancer and maintains a healthy heart, but also increases metabolism to much that is strips fat off. HOT!HOT!HOT!

7. Almonds.

Almonds are high in lean protein and they also curb the effect of carbs on your blood sugar. This means that eating almonds helps to keep your waist slim. These make an ideal snack.

8. Porridge.
The king of cereals. Oats have phytochemicals in them which have cancer fighting properties, reduce LDL (bad fats), keeps blood sugar levels low, helps reduce heart disease, oats have Vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium and protein in them. A study by the National Weight Control Registry found that people that lost weight and kept the weight off were more likely to eat porridge for breakfast rather than any other breakfast. Porridge also releases energy slowly meaning that you are less likely to snack on junk foods before lunch.

9. Cottage Cheese.
Another favourite of bodybuilders and athletes. 200g of cottage cheese has as much protein as a small steak, and it also contains casein. This means that cottage cheese is a slow digesting food, meaning that you are less likely to overeat later in the day if you eat cottage cheese for lunch. It also makes a great snack if you have an intense training schedule.

10. Grapefruit.
Finally some fruit! The 5 a day rule is healthy, but does not generally help us to keep the fat off. Ideally you should eat one and a half grapefruits a day, split into 3 snacks. Grapefruits are high in vitamin C, which actually dilutes fat, making it easier the flush fat from your system. Researchers at Louisiana State University found that people who ate grapefruits regularly lost on average 4 pounds more over a 12 week period than other diets.

Daily Fat Burning Diet:
With a little imagination you can consume all of these foods in one day, which will provide you with an excellent muscle growth / fat reduction diet.

Breakfast: Start the day with porridge and a grapefruit

Morning snack: Cottage cheese makes a good morning snack as it requires no preparation.

Lunch: Extra hot mince beef chilli, with extra kidney beans. For dessert eat a fat free yoghurt.

Afternoon snack: If your energy levels start to wane, grab a bag of almonds and munch your way through them. This should keep you going through to dinner. Have a whey protein shake too.

Dinner: Soup of the day, followed by baked salmon served on a bed of watercress and rocket.

Post workout (any time of day): Whey protein shake.

This meal plan includes all the fat burning superfoods on the menu, and combined with regular weight training sessions almost guarantees that you will build muscle and burn fat. Enjoy.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


1. Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent macular degeneration due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutin and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from eggs than from other sources.
2. In another study, researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.
3. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.
4. According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart attack.
5. They are a good source of choline. One egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.
6. They contain the right kind of fat. One egg contains just 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat.
7. New research shows that, contrary to previous belief, moderate consumption of eggs does not have a negative impact on cholesterol. In fact, recent studies have shown that regular consumption of two eggs per day does not affect a person's lipid profile and may, in fact, improve it. Research suggests that it is saturated fat that raises cholesterol rather than dietary cholesterol.
8. Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D.
9. Eggs may prevent breast cancer. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%.
10. Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or B12.

Saturday, 11 December 2010


Now then ladies and gents TRY THIS - If you want an amazing ass and a firm, toned pair of legs this will do it. I'll promise you you'll be aching for the next couple of days.
Doing one set of each exercise after one another counts as one round, do as many as you can in 45 minutes, then do a second set to finish you off.

Do this at least twice a week for best results and you will earn the right to wear shorts or that skirt you were thinking about taking back to Top Shop as you looked like a sack of potatoes in it.

Do this routines for 6 weeks and you'll be thanking me for changing your life.

My polar heart rate monitor results:

Polar product
Polar FT80


Average heart rate
Maximum heart rate
Fat percentage of calories

BIKE 2km (level 12): As fast as you can 

straight over to the squat rack.

SQUATS: Barbell or Dumbbells

- 25x60kg male
- 25x20kg female

(30sec - 60 sec rest)


- 25x60k male
- 25x20kg female

(30sec - 60 sec rest)


- 20x60kg male
- 20x20kg female

(30sec - 60 sec rest)

LUNGES: barbell or Dumbbell

-  20x15kg dumbbells male
-  20x10kg dumbbells female

(30sec - 60 sec rest)


RETURN TO THE START ...BIKE 2km (level )12

Repeat the above exercises as many times as you can in 45 minutes.